About the Goldstream Food Bank

With the support of our generous community we provide nutritious food hampers to those in need.

Welcome to the Goldstream Food Bank

The Community Food Bank of the Western Communities has been in operation since 1983. It was launched by a number of service organizations to counter the affect of the recession on low-income residents. Hundreds of volunteer hours were devoted to starting the program.

After a brief period of management by an outside agency the Food Bank was reconstituted as the Goldstream Food Bank Society, a registered charity. The Society staff is entirely volunteer. It draws the support of local citizens, food distributers, schools and churches; local businesses and other community organizations.

Our facilities are in the basement of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #91. We serve the municipalities of View Royal, Langford, Colwood, Highlands, East Sooke and Metchosin. Demand for hampers remains high.

We deeply appreciate the generosity of those who donate their time, food and financial resources in the constant struggle to keep our food bank Solvent.

Big Thank you to Our Supporters & Affiliates